Wednesday, March 29, 2006

#73: Soapy in Cyberspace: Soapy Pong

Today's post uses the Macromedia Flash plugin, so if you can't view it, you'll need to download it here. Also, it is very likely not to show up in your newsreader... you'll probably have to view it directly on the website here.


The highest score in Soapy Pong in the next couple weeks wins a copy of the Soapy the Chicken mini-comic with hand screenprinted covers I mentioned the other day delivered to you by an actual employee of the United States Postal Service. Send me your address and a .jpg screen capture of your high score to me at mrmonkey23 at to enter. Deadline for entries is midnight on April 13th. No cheating please.


Anonymous M.J. said...

Soapy pong rocks!!! I only made it up to 19, did'nt save the screen picture though. Pretty low score cause my mouse bites, gonna keep trying though...

1:37 PM  
Blogger mrmonkey23 said...

Thanks M.J.!

12:41 AM  
Blogger akaoni said...

First try 40. Can't waste any more time at work, hopefully that score will hold up...

8:55 AM  
Blogger mrmonkey23 said...

Hi Eli... glad you are digging the pong. 40 is a good score for sure... Here is a version that makes it easier to play, as the screen scales up so it is easier to keep your mouse over the movie where it is affecting it...

11:10 PM  
Blogger phunmunki said...

I am no good at Soapy Pong. I think I need a cleaner mouse.

2:16 PM  
Blogger mrmonkey23 said...

Hi Amy. This could be an easy contest for someone to win, even with a filthy mouse... Still no screen captures sent in...

11:45 PM  

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