Election Report #3: 10:30 PM

Who do you vote for as the leading character in this comic strip?
(Please choose one answer, noting that the bottom four are irrelevant)

  • Tech Toad: Write-In Candidate (47%, 1,000,000,003 Votes)
  • Frog the Frog: Independent (0%, 7 Votes)
  • Art Smalls: Genius Party (0%, 0 Votes)
  • Froodle Flopendoodle: Genocide Party (0%, 0 Votes)
  • The Sock Puppet: Highest Bidder Party (0%, 3 Votes)
  • I. Waddles Mallard: Right Thinking Party (47%, 1,000,000,001 Votes)
  • Quackers the Duck: Smarty Party (47%, 1,000,000,002 Votes)

Total Voters: 2,147,483,647

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Please do your civic duty and vote for our new cartoon czar!

Election Report #2: 9:30 PM

Who do you vote for as the leading character in this comic strip?
(Please choose one answer, noting that the bottom four are irrelevant)

  • Tech Toad: Write-In Candidate (47%, 1,000,000,003 Votes)
  • Frog the Frog: Independent (0%, 7 Votes)
  • Art Smalls: Genius Party (0%, 0 Votes)
  • Froodle Flopendoodle: Genocide Party (0%, 0 Votes)
  • The Sock Puppet: Highest Bidder Party (0%, 3 Votes)
  • I. Waddles Mallard: Right Thinking Party (47%, 1,000,000,001 Votes)
  • Quackers the Duck: Smarty Party (47%, 1,000,000,002 Votes)

Total Voters: 2,147,483,647

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Please do your civic duty and vote for our new cartoon czar!

#123: The November Surprise

Who do you vote for as the leading character in this comic strip?
(Please choose one answer, noting that the bottom four are irrelevant)

  • Tech Toad: Write-In Candidate (47%, 1,000,000,003 Votes)
  • Frog the Frog: Independent (0%, 7 Votes)
  • Art Smalls: Genius Party (0%, 0 Votes)
  • Froodle Flopendoodle: Genocide Party (0%, 0 Votes)
  • The Sock Puppet: Highest Bidder Party (0%, 3 Votes)
  • I. Waddles Mallard: Right Thinking Party (47%, 1,000,000,001 Votes)
  • Quackers the Duck: Smarty Party (47%, 1,000,000,002 Votes)

Total Voters: 2,147,483,647

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Click the above image to embiggen.

If you like this stuff and want to read the previous strips without going back post by post through the blog, they are easily browsed in THE ARCHIVE here.

Note that you can now purchase election swag to wear and support your candidate… click on a shirt to go to the shop of your candidate.

The election for new comic strip czar will happen November 4th! Who will you vote for? Support your candidate by putting their below banner on your website, blog, social networking site, or ass. Consider it your own virtual lawn sign.

We have also provided a banner for one of the third party candidates in case you like losing:

Election Report #1: 12:30PM

Who do you vote for as the leading character in this comic strip?
(Please choose one answer, noting that the bottom four are irrelevant)

  • Tech Toad: Write-In Candidate (47%, 1,000,000,003 Votes)
  • Frog the Frog: Independent (0%, 7 Votes)
  • Art Smalls: Genius Party (0%, 0 Votes)
  • Froodle Flopendoodle: Genocide Party (0%, 0 Votes)
  • The Sock Puppet: Highest Bidder Party (0%, 3 Votes)
  • I. Waddles Mallard: Right Thinking Party (47%, 1,000,000,001 Votes)
  • Quackers the Duck: Smarty Party (47%, 1,000,000,002 Votes)

Total Voters: 2,147,483,647

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Please do your civic duty and vote for our new cartoon czar!

#122: Swing Vote

Click the above image to embiggen.

If you like this stuff and want to read the previous strips without going back post by post through the blog, they are easily browsed in THE ARCHIVE here.

Note that you can now purchase election swag to wear and support your candidate… click on a shirt to go to the shop of your candidate.

The election for new comic strip czar will happen November 4th! Who will you vote for? Support your candidate by putting their below banner on your website, blog, social networking site, or ass. Consider it your own virtual lawn sign.

We have also provided a banner for one of the third party candidates in case you like losing:


Who do you vote for as the leading character in this comic strip?
(Please choose one answer, noting that the bottom four are irrelevant)

  • Tech Toad: Write-In Candidate (47%, 1,000,000,003 Votes)
  • Frog the Frog: Independent (0%, 7 Votes)
  • Art Smalls: Genius Party (0%, 0 Votes)
  • Froodle Flopendoodle: Genocide Party (0%, 0 Votes)
  • The Sock Puppet: Highest Bidder Party (0%, 3 Votes)
  • I. Waddles Mallard: Right Thinking Party (47%, 1,000,000,001 Votes)
  • Quackers the Duck: Smarty Party (47%, 1,000,000,002 Votes)

Total Voters: 2,147,483,647

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Please do your civic duty and vote!

If you haven’t already done so, you can research the candidates here.

Please note that apparently there is some election other than this one happening today as well.

#121: Public Disservice Announcement

Click the above image to embiggen.

If you like this stuff and want to read the previous strips without going back post by post through the blog, they are easily browsed in THE ARCHIVE here.

Note that you can now purchase election swag to wear and support your candidate… click on a shirt to go to the shop of your candidate.

The election for new comic strip czar will happen November 4th! Who will you vote for? Support your candidate by putting their below banner on your website, blog, social networking site, or ass. Consider it your own virtual lawn sign.

We have also provided a banner for one of the third party candidates in case you like losing:

#120: If It Ain’t Fixed, He’ll Break It

Click the above image to embiggen.

If you like this stuff and want to read the previous strips without going back post by post through the blog, they are easily browsed in THE ARCHIVE here.

Note that you can now purchase election swag to wear and support your candidate… click on a shirt to go to the shop of your candidate.

The election for new comic strip czar will happen November 4th! Who will you vote for? Support your candidate by putting their below banner on your website, blog, social networking site, or ass. Consider it your own virtual lawn sign.

We have also provided a banner for one of the third party candidates in case you like losing:

#119: The Queen’s Gambit

Named the Queen’s Gambit after the notorious chess move, designed to make its victim feel dreadfully stupid.

Click the above image to embiggen.

If you like this stuff and want to read the previous strips without going back post by post through the blog, they are easily browsed in THE ARCHIVE here.

Note that you can now purchase election swag to wear and support your candidate… click on a shirt to go to the shop of your candidate.

The election for new comic strip czar will happen November 4th! Who will you vote for? Support your candidate by putting their below banner on your website, blog, social networking site, or ass. Consider it your own virtual lawn sign.

We have also provided a banner for one of the third party candidates in case you like losing:

#118: Angus Prepares His Candidate

Click the above image to embiggen.

If you like this stuff and want to read the previous strips without going back post by post through the blog, they are easily browsed in THE ARCHIVE here.

Note that you can now purchase election swag to wear and support your candidate… click on a shirt to go to the shop of your candidate.

The election for new comic strip czar will happen November 4th! Who will you vote for? Support your candidate by putting their below banner on your website, blog, social networking site, or ass. Consider it your own virtual lawn sign.

We have also provided a banner for one of the third party candidates in case you like losing: