#129: An Apparition? And… Updates Every Monday!

Click the above image to see it bigger.

This site will have a new strip every Monday for the foreseeable future until it doesn’t. I’ve got the next month in the can, and a number of others in various stages of completion. I hope you’ll stick with me. You can subscribe here, if you’re inclined.

If you like this stuff and want to read the previous strips without going back post by post through the blog, they are easily browsed in THE ARCHIVE here.

You can buy the Soapy the Chicken book here.

You may also want to check out the latest strip from my weekly (updated every Friday) collaboration with Ben Zmith, Monkey’s Paw.

#128: Tech Toad Explains the Scientific Method, Monkey’s Paw Begins Every Friday

Click the above image to embiggen.

If you have a copy of the Soapy the Chicken book, you’ve already read the above strip and the one coming up next week, which I have had in the can a long time but not posted until now. More Soapy strips will be coming soon… I’m going to shoot for weekly updates for the time being.

Also, you may want to check out my new updating-every-Friday collaboration with my good friend Ben Zmith, Monkey’s Paw. The first four strips have already been posted here, here, here and here.

You can subscribe to the feed for Monkey’s Paw here.

I hope you enjoy the comics, if you decide to follow them!

If you like this stuff and want to read the previous strips without going back post by post through the blog, they are easily browsed in THE ARCHIVE here.

The Soapy the Chicken Book… New and 15% Off

Collecting the webcomic Soapy the Chicken (soapythechicken.com). If you prefer packing peanuts to bubble wrap, work in the rodeo clown industry, or are simply a fan of the whole mentally-deficient chicken genre, it is conceivable this could possibly be the comic for you.

I recently put together a book collecting all of the Soapy the Chicken strips to date in a convenient, old-fashioned paper edition (you can also download it as a pdf for a considerably lower price… or just read them for free on the website here, as always). It has a brand-new introduction by my friend, fellow cartoonist David Steinlicht.

You can order it here.

Until September 30th, you can get a 15% discount by using the ordering code FALLREAD305.

In the unlikely event you want to do Soapy a good turn, here is a chicklet advertising the book that you can post on your social networking profile, blog, website, a tattoo on your bicep, or what have you.

Please link it up to the book at: http://www.lulu.com/product/12663702

Thanks much to those of you foolhardy enough to promote or endorse such a dubious cause.

Also note: Love her or hate her, you can now rate her (and review her)… be the first to review Soapy the Chicken!

#126: End of the Toad

Click the above image to embiggen.

If you like this stuff and want to read the previous strips without going back post by post through the blog, they are easily browsed in THE ARCHIVE here.

In the long time I didn’t update this strip, Soapy made at least one appearance elsewhere… it is likely I may be forgetting others (if you know of any others, please remind me so I can post them here).

Here she is making a guest appearance in my extremely prolific friend Lance Ward’s fantastic Tater Tot Diaper Man strip… click the below image to go and see the full strip.

Lance is among the least predictable cartoonists I am aware of. His strip veers from autobiography to goofy humor to horror to underground smut to whatever tickles or irritates his fancy on a particular day. He draws all of these strips tiny and straight up in ink with no pencils, if you can believe that. I’m working on a guest strip for him that I am required to work in the same format, small and straight in ink… and it is a very fun experiment. I’ll let you know when it is posted.

Lance’s autobiographical stuff I think is particularly outstanding. Lance has had a difficult life including a near-death heart attack, mental illness, and relationship issues (delivered “live” in the strip), so his auto-bio stuff is not just a bunch of navel gazing, to say the least. He’s collecting the entire strip in a book soon, which should be quite a document… don’t miss it.

Some Twin Cites Cartoonists on KFAI’s Wave Project

Zander Cannon, Kevin Cannon, Danno Klonowski and myself were interviewed by Britt Aamodt this evening (December 14th) on KFAI’s Wave Project about cartooning. I do elaborate a bit on Soapy the Chicken, among other things. The show will be online for the next two weeks. You can hear the interview here.

Note: The broadcast mp3 begins with the Somali Oromo radio show that preceded it… it starts at 1:38 in the file.

Museum Features Soapy, Leaving Their Future in Doubt… See the Pictures

Here is a big gallery I just posted of images from the previously mentioned Hot Ink: Comic Art show at the Minnesota Museum of American Art, currently showing until January 4th… at which point the Museum’s lease runs out, leaving them with an uncertain future. One can only speculate that this directly had to do with their decision to deface their walls with Soapy the Chicken comic strips. You can read reviews of the show here and here. Click the image to go to the gallery.

The show features the work of:
Big Time Attic
Kevin Cannon
Zander Cannon
Will Dinski
Tom Kaczynski
Reynold Kissling
Lars Martinson
King Mini
Tyler Page
Evan G. Palmer
Brittney Sabo
Zak Sally
Barbara Schulz
Tim Sievert
Andy Singer
Tom Spence
Steven Stwalley

You can visit the gallery here:

Minnesota Museum of American Art
50 West Kellogg Blvd.
St. Paul, MN 55102

Election Report #4: 11:30PM

Who do you vote for as the leading character in this comic strip?
(Please choose one answer, noting that the bottom four are irrelevant)

  • Tech Toad: Write-In Candidate (47%, 1,000,000,003 Votes)
  • Frog the Frog: Independent (0%, 7 Votes)
  • Art Smalls: Genius Party (0%, 0 Votes)
  • Froodle Flopendoodle: Genocide Party (0%, 0 Votes)
  • The Sock Puppet: Highest Bidder Party (0%, 3 Votes)
  • I. Waddles Mallard: Right Thinking Party (47%, 1,000,000,001 Votes)
  • Quackers the Duck: Smarty Party (47%, 1,000,000,002 Votes)

Total Voters: 2,147,483,647

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Please do your civic duty and vote for our new cartoon czar!